Facial hairs go pretty well with a bald head, so it would be an excellent idea to go bald with beard way. Beards have always been a huge trend but over the last few years, they seem to have become even trendier and more men nowadays prefer to keep rather than shave them.
Depending on how your facial hairs grow and their length the options are unlimited with facial hair and so you can wear any style that you wish and still look fantastic. The following are examples that should give you reasons why you should pair your beard with a smooth haircut.
# 1 Steely Waves

Going steely grey can make a man look older. Unless you shave the top and keep a long, stylish beard and mustache combo. Then you just look cool.
# 2 Stubbled Edges
With stubble on your head and your beard edges, you gain a rugged look that the rest of your curly beard sets off nicely.
# 3 Low Scruff
This bald beard style keeps the cheeks clear cool, letting your scruff hang low, starting with a sharp edge near your jawline.
# 4 Minimalistic Macho
Keep most of your head and face clear with this skinny goatee. It’ll take maintenance to keep the edges sharp, but in the end you get sharp lines of facial hair that scream macho.
# 5 Chin Coverage
Skip the mustache element and keep a shaved head with beard exclusively on your chin. It’s a great distraction from a chin you’re insecure about and helps bring out your smile.
# 6 Grandfather’s Finest
Some men naturally go bald as they get older, but your facial hair stays luscious. Grow it out and let it run free, but keep those edges sharp and slanted like the gentleman you are. Keep the beard’s sides shorter for a flared finish.
# 7 Jawline Coverage
A twist on a full beard, the hair is clipped down to the jawline with full coverage on the chin, and a neat mustache. Very masculine, for an attractive look.
# 8 Sharp Scraggles
A bald head lets you devote plenty of time to keeping the perfect scraggly-but-uniform look. Let your beard grow wildly. but taper the edges but on and off your face.
# 9 Thick Stubble
It’s not quite a full beard, but it’s getting there. Keep your stubble at the perfect length for this midway-point look, without head hair to draw the attention away.
#10 Long Goatee
You may not have hairstyles to experiment with, but you can play with the hair on your face. Keep the classic goatee shape but let the ends run rampant for a statement piece that draws the eye.
# 11 Straight ‘n’ Shaggy
Everything about this is straight, from the individual hairs to the tapered cut. Yet still, there’s a shagginess to it that keeps you staring. Head hair would take all the attention away!
# 12 Broad Stubble
This broad subtle is one of the easiest styles you can achieve with your facial hairs. To get this look, you should let the strands grow for a couple of days without shaving.
Once you can feel and see short facial hairs, you only need to shape them to finish the design. They look perfect with a bald head since they are short, and so the absence of hair at the top makes them more visible.
# 13 White Strand
Some men are very lucky since their facial hairs grow not only in a fantastic pattern but also with excellent color. In this particular one, the full beard is medium long with some nice texture, but what make it, even more, amazing are the white strands below the lower lip.
# 14 Pointy End
It is amazing how something minor can totally change your looks. Here everything is simple and straightforward, but the hairs are creatively trimmed to form a pointy end that makes it an eye-catching style.
# 15 Scruffy Beard
Sometimes all you need for an attractive look is a pair of scissors like in this style. The beard is trimmed to give a beautiful scruffy look that is further enhanced by the fact that there is not even a single strand in the head. The scruffiness and smooth shave create the masculine look that every man desires.
# 16 Star Look
This style keeps everything short throughout the face to pair with the smooth shave. Hairs are lower than the short stubble and look like the growth that comes from going for two of three days without a shave.
# 17 Full and Neat
A full beard can also make a formal and professional look provided you keep it clean like in this style. Here the full facial hairs are neatly trimmed to create an astonishing uniformity. The dark color also helps to add some beauty to the design.
# 18 Ginger Beard
Colored facial hairs are growing in popularity at a steady rate and ginger is one of the most preferred. It looks fantastic whether the strands are long or short, and a man can stand out especially if he also keeps a full mustache.
# 19 Wavy Strands
If you keep long strands, you can spice them up by making them wavy like in this design. Although for some men they will grow like this naturally, others may need to do some styling to achieve the waves.
# 20 Dark & Curly Perfection
When looking at some beards, you have to try very hard to spot something special about it, but this is not the case with this particular one.
Here dark color, short curls and the fact that facial hairs are very dark make it a perfect look that any man can wear. The bald head also makes things even much better.
# 21 Thinning Strands
You can almost count all the strands in this full beard, but this is one of the things that make it a fantastic look. The white and gray aging colors also create amazing highlights, and a simple French mustache further complements the style.
# 22 Shaggy Chin Curtain
To wear the shaggy chin curtain just let the hairs grow as long as possible for a couple of months. You should then comb them but not too neat and then shave your head bald as this goes well with the shaggy chin curtain.
# 23 The White Crown
You will probably not see anything more amazing than this as it does not get better than this. The length of the beard is incredible, but it takes a lot of patience and care to get it there. As if the length is not enough the hair is given a white dye that not only makes it unique but more attractive.
# 24 Villain Goatee
Villain hairstyles look good, but this look can never be complete without the right facial hair style. In fact, you can wear the villain look only with a beard and a bald haircut and you do not have to overdo things to get the style right. In this particular one, all it takes is an extended goatee to create a perfect villain.
# 25 Beard Dreads
If you are patient enough and know how to take good care of your hairs, then you can wear this incredible beard with ease. The facial hairs here are full, have a nice volume and most importantly they are very long, and this creates and extraordinary bold look.
# 26 The Ducktail
The Ducktail brings a balance between casual and formal styles as it is both neat and attractive to suit both tastes. For the Ducktail, the facial hairs are kept about an inch long and uniform throughout to create an elegant look.
# 27 Modern Verdi
The Modern Verdi is a long full beard that has been partially styled but not too fancy. What makes it different from the traditional Verdi style is the fact that the mustache is only trimmed nicely but not styled.
# 28 Super Beard
What makes this style super is that almost no effort at all is put in styling or designing it as all its perfection comes from the natural growth. To keep this type of facial hairs, you need to have thick strands and do regular trimming to keep everything growing uniformly.
# 29 Clean Shave
This is another beard style that demonstrates one more reason you should keep your head bald when you want to be bearded. The beard is clean shaved, but this attractive appearance is created a couple of days later when the strands start to grow back.
# 30 Urban Beardman
When keeping facial hairs, you should not limit yourself to specific parameters or boundaries if you want to stand out. The urban bearded man is a villain inspired hairdo, and it involves long textured strands and an equally long mustache paired with a clean haircut.
# 31 Disconnected Round Beards
The smooth shave first creates the disconnection in this style, but there is also another disconnection in the beard.
Although it is a very short full facial hair, it does not follow the traditional design that most men prefer where they join the mustache to the other facial hairs. This alone makes it an incredible idea for your beard.
# 32 Time For Grooming
This style gives you more time to concentrate on grooming your beard for the perfect look as you do not have a hair to worry about.
# 33 Manlier Look
It makes you look manlier than any other hairdo. The fact that only men grow a beard should be enough to show you that this is one of the things that define masculinity.
And so if you want to show you masculinity then you should shave your hair smoothly when you want to become bearded.
# 34 Concentrating On Beard
Going bald makes your beard style look more detailed and more visible as there are no distractions brought about by your hairdo.
# 35 Attractive Look
Overall, facial hairs look more attractive with a bald head. If you compare two bearded men the one with the shortest hair will always look more appealing.
Being bearded is one of the things that define a man but having facial hair is not a guarantee that you will look gorgeous.
Knowing how to trim and style them will make you stand out, but regardless of the style you choose to go with, shaving your head bald will get you looking manlier and elegant.