If you have a fantasy for the high and tight haircut, then it is time to get and be done with it. Military guys look fabulous in them, and it should be worth to try how you would look in one.
The good news is that no one has ever looked out of place in this type of cut so you can confidently tell your barber it is all you want. But first, what are the options for you?
Here is a worth guide for your sampling and be assured that whatever you choose is a rocking guarantee.
# 1 Swept Back Fade

Here’s a look that works for the casual man who wants to look classy. With a simple fade on the sides and longer hair swept back on top, this style works for all occasions.
# 2 Buzzcut Fade
You can never go wrong with a buzz cut, but the basics can get boring. Cut the top down to a number 3 with a high fade to skin. It will never look messy, always tight in appearance.
# 3 Curls on the Crown
Here’s a number 0 buzz cut everywhere but the top of the head, the afro curls are lightly teased so they stand tall, neat and well-matched with a suit.
# 4 Side Parted Buzz and Slick
This tight haircut is primarily a number 2, but with a side parting unusual in hair this short. The sides are slick while the top remains bristly, with a high skin fade too. Who said hair this short was unstyleable?
# 5 Sleek, Classy Mohawk Style
This is a style for guys who want to switch from leather to suits at a moment’s notice. There’s hair in the center of the head while everywhere else is bald, but it’s slick and tight rather than spiked.
# 6 Forward Brushed with Fade
From crown to hairline, the hair gets gradually longer and falls over the forehead, the same thickness as the beard. On the sides a high fade adds a hint of formality making this style versatile.
# 7 Soft Bristly High Fade
It’s always high and tight when the hair is too short to mess up. With a high skin fade on the sides, the top is left in soft bristles, quite long but still short enough to stand without styling. It’s an easy, low-maintenance look.
# 8 Textured Fohawk
There are so many variants of the classic fohawk, but you can’t ignore this one. The soft spikes are brushed forward as the sides fade to skin, letting the style work for fun and formality.
# 9 Bleached Spikes
Although it’s a little edgy, this high and tight style can work with a suit or at a rave. The hair is bleached and cut into a mohawk but the spikes are styled loosely for a softer look.
# 10 Military-Like Buzz
With the top cut to a soft number 2 buzz cut, the sides are in a high fade to skin that make the top stand out. It’s a do-no-wrong style that works for young and old, casual and classy.
# 11 Black Spikes
A cut for you to look fresh every other day and you do not have to break a sweat for it. Just like all other military cuts, sides are cut clean and a top trimmed to less than a medium size.
The top is then groomed to form a flat landing, and you will like the look of it. It gives a free feeling, and this is a good style with no other obligations once you have it.
# 12 Wave Fringe with Side Sweep
You do not have to get that short and close cut to look great. Wave fringe with side sweep is one of the best high and tight haircut for your desire. Sides are cleared but not to bareness.
The top is waved at the front, and the rest is swept across the top, but it does not leave the top perk. If boldness is something you wish to bring out with your hair, then you can never have a better choice than this.
# 13 Sleek Classic
Cute guys will kill for this style. It exudes their natural handsomeness and all just for a simple cut. The sides are given a close cut with the lower part getting the closest clearing.
The top is what will dazzle you. It is compounded into a thick medium sized heap that is finely combed. At the front, a bundle of the strand is raised a little to look like a gate into an endless freshness.
# 14 Cliff Image
A 3 layer style, the cliff image is popular among guys who do not want to spare any of their good looks.
Sides are done a justified almost-clear shave and top is left natural or just given a light trimming. The thick bundles of strands are given a backwards tilt, and they remain high and tight.
# 15 Half-Mohawk
Mohawk can take many looks, and when modified it looks even marvelous. Half-Mohawk is such a cut that is sleek as the word.
Sides are cleaned to a spotless surface. The top is flattened at the back part of it only to rise into a Mohawk towards the front. The fact that it does not extend to the entire top head is why it is called ‘halfโ.
# 16 Slanting Top with Bangs
Those with receding hairline know how easy it gets when you can hide it and be like the rest of guys with thick front lines. But the slanting top is not only for them since you can have all of it to yourself.
Sides are shaved while the top is given a considerable trim. At the front, a few bundles of the strand are drawn to the front, and they look such a wonderful creation. It is always an easy decision to have a cut that you know is perfect even without looking at the mirror.
# 17 High & Tight Curls
Even seeing this style for the first time, you would make the decision to have it. Sides are cleared, and the top is left to dominate the look. It is given a light trim not to spoil the natural waves.
Hair at the top is spread to make crossing waves into what is a creative idea. It never gets blurred with this kind of a cut and you know you look perfect for every event you will be attending.
# 18 Bleached Pony
The pony tail at the drop of the back head is a look to behold. Low sides are shaved bare and succeeded with an inch long layer before the top which is the king in size and beauty.
With a clear demarcating line, the top is drawn to the back, and a raised knot is made into a beautiful tail. For the fun loving guys, this is a style for you to keep the girls at your side.
# 19 High & Spiky
This is a high-end style that you will see with top acting and music stars. Sides are cleared and what remains of them is given a down the flat press.
The top is left with its curls, and it is all there for admiration. A clear part line is cut where the top begins, and you can see the genius hand behind this haircut.
# 20 Brown Walled Top
A style that looks like a fortified wall by the sides is what guys would want to have. And they are not wrong with their obsession.
Brown walled top has the sides reduced to an inch length while the top is given a medium treat. A clear division is made at the beginning of the rising top which is given a slight sweep to the opposite side.
# 21 Classic Perk
Just like the name, this style gives you a daring look that would be an automatic pass to any lady you want.
Inch-long sides lead to a cliff at the top, and it seems lofty if you look it from below. The details are finely executed, and you are assured with a rocking look.
# 22 Thick and Flat Top
There is no doubt around this style. Guys like it and the past obsession has never faded. Sides are cleaned to the scalp and to create a pure contrast with what you are about to get at the top.
An abrupt rising is made, and hair shoots couple of inches then brought into an unexpected flat top.
# 23 Very High Top
This is another of the chased high cut that a guy would not think twice to have. Low side is shaved clear and followed by a slightly longer layer that gives way to the exciting top brown crown.
At the front, the tips are rounded to form a blunt front. It is a guarantee that you will love it, and it never gets boring to repeat it every other visit you make to the barber.
# 24 Smart Cop
You would not be making a mistake to crave for this classic cop look. With sides cleared and brushed downwards, a top is left to make the greatest impression.
Cut to medium size, and it is combed into a smart guy look, and you will be looking forward to every other time you want to go out.
# 25 Black Bloom
Who wouldnโt want such a ‘coolโ look? If your wish is to be just like this, then you have it your way. Sides are given a fine touch to medium size then combed to a flawless finish.
The longer top is combed towards the back, and it is not given the refining of the sides. Among the high and tight haircuts, this is way above the rest in its mastery.
# 26 Shortness as It is
All is said in the name of this style for a guy who wants to look confident. The top is trimmed to almost 2 inches while sides are left bare.
The top leaves a trace of increasing size and the final impression is that you have three layers, but it was not the initial intention.
If you have a thick beard, you are just the guy for this cut, but even a sparse or beardless chin would be a perfect fit for this style.
# 27 Rift High Top
The top is thick, and you can tell it is deep to the skin even looking it from far. A rift is made a few inches from the front then followed by higher rise than the front one.
From the bushy top, you will love the surrounding sides which are finely combed and brushed. It is a style you will not see with every other guy on the streets so be assured that you will be outstanding even in the thickest crowds.
# 28 Fine-Tooth Comb
Guys who love their hair short will be spoiled for choices. There is a variety of styles to choose from, and the fine-tooth comb is not such a hard decision to make.
With clear sides, you will leave an impression at the top. The front is given a smooth line cut which would dissolve any adverse attention to a sparse hairline.
# 29 Tight & Swept
A side sweep should not always begin by sides, but you can have it from one corner of the forehead. But first the sides have to get a thorough trim.
The top is left in thick strands which are pulled towards the back. One thick strand from the front is swept aside but does not make it long. It is a finish that would not disappoint you whatever you are planning for it.
# 30 Blunt Mohawk
You are used to the spiked Mohawk, but now you will have one that you never thought could be for your head. Blunt Mohawk borrows from the typical style with the bare shaved side.
The top is left in medium size, but it is tamed to a flat plate. This is such an authentic idea, and you will not let it go once you have it.
It looks fresh even after a slight retouch. You do not have to bother with keeping any spikes straight since the flat top has taken care of the problem.
# 31 Super Short
This is the simplest of all the high and tight cuts. The top is reduced to an inch while sides are shaved clean.
It is a formal look that would be welcome to any event. You will not need time or the details to maintain it since the bigger part is done in the simplicity.
# 32 Fitness Master
If you want a style that would be easy to go to the gym, fitness master is the option you cannot turn away.
The top is left short and clear sides which do not require any intense care before and after your exercise routine. You never have lots of time in your hands and here is a hairstyle that will fit into your schedule.
# 33 Rock-Star Top Fry
There is the style for everyone and rock fans are not left orphaned. Rock-star top fry is a good pick to go with your face and scalp tattoos that you had getting ready for the next rock concerts.
Sides are closely shaved to give way to the colorful tattoos. The top is given a short sweep to the other side leaving the tattoos fully exposed.
# 34 Mini Crown
Indeed, it is time to bring back the ‘cheekyโ bird crown. The mini top crown is a promise to have that comeback.
Part of the back to half the top and sides are given a clear cut. The only long hair is left towards the front and given a rising impression. It is not made sharp but rather bundled together to a finer finish.
# 35 Classic Soldier
The top perk is one way to give your short hair a fine finish that guys with long hair boast about. You can have a small top perk with cleared sides and get the impression of someone who is keeping abreast with the pace of fashion.
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You do not have to keep envying the military boys when you can have a high and tight haircut just like them. Choose your style today and rock the streets in a style you have always longed for.
It never gets easier than saying this is what you want and getting it anytime you want it. Good luck with your new look and no doubt you will be just handsome like the boys in arms.