Youth is a gift like your hair. Pick your hairstyle that suits your young & energetic vibe. No matter you pick a long or short teenage boy haircut, make sure you’re comfortable with it. Don’t just copy a trendy teen hairstyle, rather own it with tweaks tailored to your face shape & personality.


# 1 Bearded Slid Back

This is one of the top styles that men would give all to get it. The sides are cleared while the upper section is combed backwards. The beard is thick and long to give you that scary-good look.


# 2 Mutton Shops Side Sweep

It is iconic with the blunt side sweep that does not make any considerable extension. No strand makes it to the forehead and it leaves you with a pronounced facial visage.


# 3 Wavy Part

It is long and wavy as it runs towards the back. There is an attempt to have bangs on one side but it ends up a frail contribution. It is sleek and those who love long styles here is the best pick.


# 4 Tapered Flattop

At the front, it is swept across while the back medium patch is shoved towards the back. It makes a complement to the decorated cheeks and it is such a genius idea to bring this out.


# 5 One-Side Undercut

The middle patch falls to the faded sides to what appears as an undercut. But that is not what it is intended for but would pass for bangs at the front part of the fall.


# 6 High Middle & Weirdo Mustache

If this is not the most outstanding youth haircut then there is never a style that is great.

The middle section is combed backwards with a high middle. The mustache is created to look like bull horns.


# 7 Office Man

For the office guy, this is the cliff appearance that you would want to be a change of style. It spells confidence with the fade to the skin and not a so-thick-beard.


# 8 Racing Blond with Bangs

Created with a Mohawk intention, the overhead part races forwards and slightly fall over the forehead. It is sporty and you belong to the crowd of true fans.


# 9 Smooth Undercut

Parted with a clear line, each portion falls to the opposite direction. The low sides are faded to fit under the upper end. The hair is combed to acute smoothness and it rhymes with the clean shaven beard.


# 10 Gray Falls

Gray Falls

The medium length middle part is drawn to the sides and it covers the forehead with multiple bangs. The lower layer is trimmed to sink under the falling patch and it is such a creation on your head.


# 11 Long Waves with Thick Beard

Faded sides make a stark contrast to the long wavy top section that is dragged to the back leaving the forehead in the clear. The beard is thick but well-tended to remain intact.


# 12 Circular Heap

Circular Heap

A thick circular heap sits at the middle of the head. It is surrounded by glaring bareness and tries to make a short bang on the forehead.


# 13 Half Faux Mohawk

It starts at the headโ€™s back fall and proceeds to drop as low as the eyebrows on the face. It is not cut from the typical hawk look but there is some resemblance.


# 14 Smooth Strata

Clean on the ears and the back, the top is combed to intent smoothness. The back middle part falls under the front middle section. It is simple but worth a top spot on this list.


# 15 Wiggy Undercut

Looking it from a distance you would think that this is a wig but it is only styled to look that way.

It is cleaned to the skin at the sides. It makes a groove at the forehead but does not go as low as the eyebrows.


# 16 Curving Tips with Horn-Like Mustache

Curving Tips with Horn-Like Mustache

Hair at the middle is raised but then curved towards the center. It is parted on the sides which fade as it goes lower. The mustache completes the look with a horn-like appearance at the ends of the top lip.


# 17 Urban Polished Fade

Urban Polished Fade

It is polished in terms of its smoothness and the clear line part. With a slight combing tilt, the hair points to the front and ends with a beautiful hairline.


# 18 Senior Teen Cut

Senior Teen Cut

It would be a stunning look for the senior college guy to have some of his mane lying close to the forehead. It then goes backwards to the fall of the head leaving only the low sides to be shaved clean.


# 19 Long Back Slide

It starts at the front hairline and goes back to almost the nape region. It is surrounded by a clean shaven matrix brushed to a smooth bed.


# 20 Layered Rows

One row is lower than the other and they are divided by a clear straight line. The rows fall over the faded underside creating an undercut impression.


# 21 White Sweep

At lower ends it is brown and the tips are bleached to whiteness. They are then given a long sweep that lies over the bigger part of the other side.


# 22 Scattered Top

There is no clear indication of where the racing bundles of strands should fall but they end up at the forehead and pass for bangs.

Lateral portions are brushed to be smooth and for a contrast of the ‘messโ€™ at the top.


# 23 Blunt at the Tips

The sides here are combed to a smooth flat mat while the middle is left in a vertical run. But it is trimmed before it makes a spiky appearance.


# 24 Pecking Bird Crown

It is thick and high at the front. The thickness and height wane as it grows backwards and lay over the surrounding bareness.


# 25 Smart Guy Coiffeur

A clear straight line parts the top patch from the sides. It is swept to one side but only for a short run and seems to make a confluence with the flow from the back.


Idea # 26


Idea # 27


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Idea # 30


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Idea # 32


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Idea # 39


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Idea # 43


Idea # 44


Idea # 45


Now you know that teen boy’s hairstyles were not as bad as his political ambition.

Make a choice of one of the styles discussed here and bring the oozing confidence and dalliance to your hair. Here is where you get the trending styles so keep a watch on it.